Effective evaluation and appraisal are crucial elements of the project and programme development lifecycle and should form part of the development and planning of an intervention from the start. They help to inform how scarce public resources should be invested; assist in measuring the anticipated impacts and returns; and support the responsible and transparent management of these resources.
This course provides an accessible introduction to economic appraisal and evaluation, helping participants to understand key concepts, as well as recognising good practice and pitfalls.
The course assumes no formal training in economics but would ideally suit people working – or with some experience – in economic development or an economic policy environment.
This course will discuss the development of HM Treasury Green Book appraisal and its role within the development of business cases (based on the “five case model”) which is central to all of the City and Regional deals. We’ll also touch on some of the recent criticisms of the Green Book methodology, including how it interacts with issues such as the levelling-up agenda and wider challenges including Climate Change. We’ll then discuss key concepts and principles in economic evaluation, the importance of designing evaluation in from the outset, and review the key features of a robust evaluation.
This course is also suitable for those operating at a more strategic level where best value and financial accountability is key.
The course will run over three weeks on MS Teams:
Joining links will be circulated ahead of the course sessions.
Bookings Policy
Bookings are non refundable. However, a substitute may attend in place.