We know that economic growth does not reduce inequality. It is for this reason that governments over a number of decades have sought mechanisms that will not only grow the economy but also spread growth more equally across the population. Most recently in the Scottish policy context there has been a greater focus on building an Inclusive Economy. Within this, there has also been a growing emphasis on the need to improve Wellbeing, challenging the traditional emphasis on economic growth. We will explore these issues by considering the National Strategy for Economic Transformation (NSET).
Additionally, the need to respond to the Climate Emergency by driving towards net zero carbon and achieving greater climate resilience has become centre stage. This creates both challenges to and opportunities for developing the Scottish economy, but also reducing inequalities. In relation to the latter, The Scottish Government is now pursuing a Just Transition as we confront the Climate Emergency.
This 6-hour CPD course focuses on both the growing strategic focus on a Wellbeing Economy and the drive to achieve a Just Transition while tackling the Climate Emergency. It is designed for people working in a role which demands a wider understanding of the factors perpetuating inequality and of the interventions that can play a role in reducing these inequalities and improving economic development outcomes.
Consideration will be given to Scottish Government policies and economic strategy. The underlying determinants of inequality will be examined, as well as the reasons why economic growth on its own is insufficient to deal with the problem. There will be a review of relevant and effective interventions, and the potential contribution of key Scottish approaches such as Fair Work, Community Wealth Building and Sustainable Procurement.
This online CPD course will take place on MSTeams over the following dates:
Joining links will be circulated ahead of the course sessions.
Bookings are non refundable. However, a substitute may attend in place.