There are a number of contemporary issues or emerging ideas in the world of economic development that demand a considered talk through. By this we mean topics which need more consideration and if not topical, should be!
The sessions invite speakers who all have a particular – maybe differing view/perspective – on the topic. EDAS will hold no particular view on the topic, bar wishing to create a space in which others can air their views and the audience can engage.
Let’s Talk About…A Wellbeing Economy
A wellbeing economy (WE) is an aim and aspiration for Scotland, where economic activity should intentionally serve people, place and the planet. The challenge and opportunity is to make the aspiration for a Wellbeing Economy real and meaningful. In this, Economic development stands as a bridge linking the WE aspiration to policy, practice, practitioners, and activity on the ground with clear and demonstrable outcomes. Therefore how is economic development changing and how should it change further in light of a WE, and what outlook, tools, capacity and practice do we have or need to gain, to deliver on a WE?
Stuart Black, Chief Executive, Highlands and Islands Enterprise
Gary Gillespie, Chief Economist, Scottish Government
Satwat Rehman, Trustee, Wellbeing Economy Alliance, Chief Executive, One Parent Families Scotland and Co-Chair, Just Transition Commission
Discussion Chair: Neil McInroy, Chair, EDAS