Historic Environment Scotland – Heritage & Place Programme (H&PP)
Historic Environment Scotland’s new area-based Heritage & Place Programme (H&PP) has been officially launched today. More information about the H&PP can be found on their website including the full Programme Guidance: https://www.historicenvironment.scot/grants-and-funding/our-grants/heritage-place-programme/
The organisation are working in collaboration with the National Lottery Heritage Fund (NLHF) to promote this programme as they also provide funding support for heritage place projects (Area schemes). Although NLHF has its own funding programme with its own criteria and application processes, Grants for Heritage, this aligns strongly with the aims of the H&PP .
If you would like to find out more about applying for the NLHF funding please contact [email protected].
As part of this collaborative work, they will be jointly hosting two online information sessions the details of which are set out below:
- Session 1 (Wednesday 27th April 2022) – 1 hour duration (time to be confirmed)
This will provide attendees with a general overview of the new Heritage & Place Programme (HES) and the funding available for area based schemes under the National Lottery Grants for Heritage programme (NLHF). This will include information on areas such as our application processes and timeframes, eligibility criteria and funding priorities. There will also be an opportunity for Q&A at the end of the HES/ NLHF presentations.
- Session 2 (Wednesday 18th May 2022) – 1 hour duration (time to be confirmed)
This will be targeted at potential applicants including those putting together their Expressions of Interest (EOI) and/or their Development Phase applications for area based schemes to either/both the new Heritage & Place Programme (HES) and/or the National Lottery Grants for Heritage programme (NLHF). This will include information on the types of projects and activities that could be included in a scheme and the level of information that we will be looking for at the EOI and Development Phase application stages. There will also be an opportunity for Q&A Session at the end of the HES/ NLHF presentations.
If you are interested in attending either or both of these sessions then please contact HES at [email protected] to let them know what session/s you would like to attend and also to provide them with your contact name, job title, organisation and email address. Also, if you have a scheme in mind for which you are thinking about applying to the H&PP and/ or ‘Grants for Heritage’ programme for then please also include the details of this. You will be sent a MS Teams meeting invitation for the session/s.
And finally, if after reading the Programme Guidance you have any other questions about the Heritage & Place Programme, please e-mail [email protected].