EDAS conference puts people, place and planet at the heart of economic development
The critical need to have people, place and planet at the heart of economic development has been to the fore in EDAS’ successful conference season.
The final session in our four-part conference was held at The Lighthouse in Glasgow city centre, with a panel of expert speakers adding further to the thought-provoking insights which have been at the foundations of the series.
With the theme of Next Steps Towards a Just Transition to Net Zero, the event reflected on the legacy of last year’s COP26 summit, as well as looking at the practical steps that the sector – and other stakeholders – can take towards a just transition which delivers for all.
And it proved an ideal theme to which to highlight how the three pillars of the climate conference events- people, place and planet- are inextricably linked.
EDAS chair, Liz McEntee, said: “The places we live, work and enjoy – how they are invested in and used – have huge positive potential. The decisions we make are more vital than they have ever been.
“What we do as economic development strategists and practitioners is important. Mindful – and considered – planning and investment is key to what lies ahead.
“Economic development is now occupying a more holistic space, with the social and environmental consequences of development as essential to consider as the economic ones.
“This belief is at the heart of EDAS’ strategy. Through the conference series and many events we run, we are encouraging fresh thinking, as well as engaging in conversations among wider audiences, including those working in economic development and those who contribute to economic wellbeing.
“Our events are about opening spaces for creative dialogue and inviting as many people as possible to share, learn and collaborate. The feedback we have had is that this series has certainly delivered on that.”
The previous three sessions were:
Session 1 ‘Planet’ – focusing on sustainable economic development and key priorities for achieving net zero.
Session 2: ‘People’- exploring the ambitions and implications of net zero on our people, both globally and for Scotland
Session 3: ‘Place’- looking at where local aspirations align with global responsibility, making sure our places and the communities that live there can thrive.
Martin Valenti, Director for Net-Zero at South of Scotland Enterprise (SOSE), was one of the speakers at the season finale.
He told us: “People, planet and place is about how we align all of the skills and expertise we have across Scotland and how that economic development narrative can play into a just transition to net-zero.
“What’s often been missing from the environment narrative is the economy. That’s why it’s so important and so exciting that EDAS has taken the lead and got involved in bringing together such a collaborative group of people.”
Dr Linda Christie, Head of Green Skills and High Value Manufacturing and Skills Development Scotland (SDS), was another of the speakers.
She said: “Skills are vitally important to supporting our economy in the just transition and in ensuring people and businesses are part of that.
“Through the Climate Emergency Skills Action Plan we are taking forward on behalf of Government at Skills Development Scotland, what we are aiming to do is support the skills system to make that just transition towards achieving net-zero. It’s about supporting the opportunities that will come – new and existing jobs, as well as evolving opportunities as we structurally adapt our economy.”
You can watch videos of all of our conference sessions on our YouTube channel.
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